While Killing Slimes for 300 Years, I Became the MAX Level Unknowingly Average 5 / 5 out of 1
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300 Yıldır Slime Öldürüyorum ve Seviyemi En Üst Düzeye Çıkardım (Turkish) Diệt slime suốt 300 năm, tôi level Max lúc nào chẳng hay He estado matando slimes durante 300 años y he maximizado mi nivel (Spanish) I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level Ich habe 300 Jahre lang Schleim getötet und aus Versehen das höchste Level erreicht (German) La sorcière invincible : tueuse de slimes depuis 300 ans ! Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level MAX ni Nattemashita Ман 300 сол боз луобҳоро кушта ба дараҷаи баландтарин расидам (Tajik) Сурайму таоситэ санбяку нэн, сиранай ути ни рэбэру маккусу ни наттэмасита Убивая слизней 300 лет, сама того не заметив, я достигла максимального уровня Я 300 лет убивала слизь и прокачалась на максимум أقتل السلايم منذ 300 عام وبلغت المستوى الأقصى ล่าสไลม์มา 300 ปี รู้ตัวอีกทีก็เลเวล MAX ซะแล้ว スライム倒して300年、知らないうちにレベルMAXになってました 打了三百年的史莱姆,不知不觉就练到了满等 持續狩獵史萊姆三百年,不知不覺就練到LV MAX 持续狩猎史莱姆三百年,不知不觉就练到LV MAX 獵一怪,曰史萊姆,不綴三百年,不覺已超凡出眾 (Classical Chinese) 슬라임을 잡은지 300년, 모르는 사이에 레벨 MAX가 되었습니다
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Very ordinary company OL (Office Lady), Azusa Aizawa, died from overwork. For that reason, I decided to live a slow life in a house in the mountains as an immortal witch with the figure of a 17 year old. The main source of income is to defeat slimes inhabiting the area to acquire magic stones. I sold these at the Guild in the village. Besides that, I made medicinal herbs, became known as “The Witch of the Highlands”, and lived with respect and trust. However, as a result of continuing to beat slimes for 300 years, the experience values accumulated too much, and I unknowingly became level 99, the world’s strongest witch. The level 99 witch now works together in the village with her dragon-girl apprentice in moderation, while helping everyone in the village.


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