The Other World Doesn’t Stand A Chance Against The Power Of Instant Death Average 5 / 5 out of 1
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The Other World Doesn't Stand A Chance Against The Power Of Instant Death. Sokushi Cheat ga Saikyou Sugite, Isekai no Yatsura ga Marude Aite ni Naranai n desu ga El Otro Mundo No Tiene Ninguna Posibilidad Frente Al Poder De La Muerte Instantánea Instant Death My Instant Death Ability Is So Overpowered, No One in This Other World Stands a Chance Against Me! —AΩ— Sokushi Cheat Sokushi Chitoga Saikyosugite, Isekaino Yaturaga Marude Aiteni Naranaindesuga. -ΑΩ- The Other World Doesn't Stand a Chance Against the Power of Instant Death The Other World Doesn't Stand a Chance Against the Power of Instant Death-ΑΩ- 即死チート 即死チートが最強すぎて、異世界のやつらがまるで相手にならないんですが。 即死チートが最強すぎて、異世界のやつらがまるで相手にならないんですが。-ΑΩ- 秒杀外挂太强了,异世界的家伙们根本就不是对手。 秒殺外掛太強了,異世界的傢伙們根本就不是對手。 즉사 치트가 너무 최강이라 이세계 녀석들이 전혀 상대가 되지 않습니다만 즉사 치트가 너무 최강이라 이세계 녀석들이 전혀 상대가 되지 않습니다만. –AΩ-
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Growth cheats? Infinite magic power? The ability to utilize all archetypes? What’s the point if instant death ends everything with a single attack?

High school senior Yogiri Takatou was on a school field trip when he woke up to a dragon assaulting his sightseeing bus, with the only ones still on the bus being him and his female classmate, the panicking Tomochika Dannoura. Apparently the rest of his classmates had been given special powers by Sion, a woman who introduced herself as Sage, and escaped from the dragon, leaving those that hadn’t received any special powers behind as dragon bait.

And so Yogiri was thrown into a parallel universe full of danger, with no idea of what just happened. Likewise, Sion had no way of knowing just what kind of being she had summoned to her world.


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